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You are viewing Home ► All Categories ► Outsourcing Document Management May Save You Money
No matter the size of your business, you can’t escape keeping records of – well – everything; and if you are like many business leaders, record-keeping is a constant challenge. Outsourcing your document management systems (DMS) can prevent loss or damage to your valuable files, and it may be easier and less costly than you think!
Your records may be in various formats such as paper, electronic, microfilm, or microfiche.
There may be documents you cannot operate without, or files that are require a high level of confidentiality and security.
What if you had a fire or flood in your file storage area?
What if electronic documents stored on your main computer became corrupted or inaccessible due to a ransomware attack?
Here is some of the vital information that would be disastrous to lose:
Anyone who has worked with a group of people is probably familiar with the many ways a physical document management system can go wrong. It starts with a file room that everyone has access to and no one in particular has responsibility for.
One worker pulls a file and it gets mixed with some active files and placed in their desk drawer. Another worker looks for it, assumes the file has not been created yet, and dutifully creates a new file.
When the employee with the original file finds it in their desk, they return it to the file room – unaware that 3 other workers are adding documentation to the second file.
This could be the scenario, or it could be a record mis-filed in the wrong part of the record room. Then there is the classic – coffee is spilled on a file and it sits for a few hours, while the coffee eats away at the text on the pages. Or someone takes a file home with them and the baby vomits on it, or a well-meaning family member clears off the table by throwing away the clutter.
Without a centralized system with one individual directing the flow of documents, you can easily end up in a legal dispute – with no trace of the documentation that would save you a lot of time and money.
Here are some ways DMS professionals keep your records safe and easily retrievable:
Don’t leave the security and availability of your business data to chance. An experienced, virtual team can help ensure that your files are secure and easy to locate.
The added bonus: File sharing and version control systems that are easy for your in-house employees to use, monitored and managed remotely. This leaves you and your in-house team free to do what you do best – and leave the nuts and bolts of document control to your BPO company.
Speak With an Expert About Your File System Goals.
At RAINBOW SOFTECH™ we have the expertise to help get your records under control, and keep them that way. Let’s talk!
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